As I'm sure you all know by now (especially if you follow a lot of blogs) it's Author Appreciation Week! This idea was originally thought up by the very lovely and hilarious
Heidi R. Kling, debut author of "Sea". The idea is to blog each day this week about an author you love and explain why you love them.

Today's pick is the most AWESOME Claudia Gray, author of Evernight, Stargazer and Hourglass. You may just have noticed that I've read and reviewed all of Claudia's books on here and I *LOVE* them, especially Hourglass which I thought was outstanding! Claudia paints a picture so clearly with words that I feel like I'm actually there in the middle of the scene. I've become so engrossed in her books that I've been up reading in the wee small hours of the morning when I should have been in bed!
I wrote to Claudia a little while ago enquiring about ARC's of Hourglass. Even though it was only a month away from release and I didn't think I had a hope in hell of getting one, Claudia was kind enough to send me one! It was my very first ARC and I'm so proud of it :) I want to say THANK YOU to Claudia for writing such fantastic books and long may it continue! I cannot wait for Afterlife and the stand-alone book about Balthazar *swoon*. You can find Claudia on Facebook and Twitter. She also has a website, you can visit by clicking
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