I can't WAIT to see this movie but I really want to read the book first. I'm definitely moving it up the TBR list! This trailer has just been released and...WOW is pretty much all I can say. Looking forward to the movie release on 18th February, 2011.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Waiting on Wednesday

OK, so there is no blurb currently for Forever and whilst I really wanted to come up with some witty and entertaining blurb of my own, I didn't want to spoil it for people who haven't read Linger yet and to be honest, I don't know what is going to happen. I mean this is Maggie we're talking about and quite frankly I'm a little scared LOL. I will however hazard a guess at the words I think the blurb might contain, words like: Grace, Sam, love, kill, die, cure, together, forever, Secret, sacrifice, and goodbye. Only time will tell if I'm right and I look forward to reading the real blurb when it becomes available. I can't wait to read Forever and the anticipation is going to kill me because whilst last year I was lucky enough to win an ARC, I'm not sure there will even *BE* ARC's this year and if so, I may not get one. I'm ever the optimist though so here's hoping!
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Cover Reveals
I love these posts and try to save them for a time when there is a lot of cover reveals going on. And this is that time. Of course, there is a very special cover reveal happening on Monday *cough* Maggie Stiefvater *cough* but that will require a special post. For now, this is what I've found this week...
First up is Possession by debut author Elana Johnson. This is a Dystopian novel (and boy am I loving Dystopian fiction right now) being published by Simon & Schuster (in the US) next year. Publisher's Marketplace said that "Posession is set in a brainwashed society where those gifted with mind control best join the powers that be, but one rebel girl tries to beat them at their own game." Well, all I can say is that I love the cover, I love the title and I love the premise. So it's WIN WIN WIN. I'm definitely putting this one on the wish list.
Next up we have Blessed which is the third book in the "Tantalize" series. I have both books in this series and am ashamed to say that I have not yet read them. YET being the most important word in that sentence. I hear great things about them though and I really like Cynthia as an author. She's always full of helpful advice (I love her website). I'm definitely adding this one to the wish list on her reputation alone. This will be published on 8th February, 2011.
Fins Are Forever is the sequel to Forgive my Fins by Terra Lynn Childs. The first book had a striking cover and the second book is just as eye catching. I'm ordering Forgive My Fins as we speak as I've always wanted to read this so no doubt I'll be adding the sequel to the wish list. This will be published in the US by Katherine Tegen books in 2011.
The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting drew rave reviews and this is the cover to the follow up novel, Desires of the Dead. I'm really ashamed to say that I've had The Body Finder for a long time now and have still not read it. I'm moving it up the TBR pile though. I love this cover as it's so pretty! Desires of the Dead is published in the US by HarperCollins on 1st March, 2011.
I've been waiting for this cover reveal for a while now, Blood Magic is the debut novel from a lovely lady called Tessa Gratton. I think the cover is beautiful and this has been on the wish list for a while now. This is being published both in the US and the UK by Random House Publishing on April 26th, 2011.
Last but not least is Shadowspell by Jenna Black, which is the sequel to GlimmerGlass. I've had GlimmerGlass since May but haven't read it yet. I have to say though that the covers in this series are absolutely gorgeous and I'd buy them for that alone!! Definitely going on the wish list. This will be published in the US by St. Martins Press on 4th January, 2011.

Friday, 24 September 2010
Crescendo Review

Crescendo had me hooked from start to finish, I could barely put it down. Case in point, one day I picked up the book “just to read a chapter” before I went out food shopping and three hours later, I was still sat on my bed reading. This book should come with a warning – DO NOT start reading if you have something important to do as it will not get done!
As you may remember at the end of Hush Hush, Patch was changed from a fallen angel into Nora’s guardian angel. This new role, together with Patch’s secretive and seemingly inexplicable behaviour brings its own set of challenges to their relationship. Add in the fact that the Archangels aren’t particularly keen on Patch and Nora’s blossoming relationship and you’re in for a whole heap of trouble.
Crescendo is certainly what I would describe an emotional rollercoaster of a read and I found the story bittersweet. Whilst I enjoyed the book, I didn’t like what I was reading because I didn’t want what was happening to be happening. Becca Fitzpatrick damn near broke my angst ridden heart for the majority of the book!
In terms of plot development, besides the romantic element, Crescendo delves deeper into the history behind the relationship between the nephilim and the fallen angels as well as allowing the reader to learn more about Nora’s past including her father’s mysterious death. I must say I did get a little confused with the mythology and it makes me want to go back and read Hush Hush again from the beginning. I think I would probably recommend that, especially if it’s been a long time since you read the first book.
Thankfully in Crescendo, all the old characters are still present. Nora is still feuding with Marcie Miller (only this time, Patch is involved) and it’s nice to see that Vee is all hooked up with a guy of her own who just happens to be Patch’s best friend Rixon. I call Vee “the incredible best friend” as she seems to come running to Nora’s aid at the drop of a hat, especially now Nora is car-less. There is also the introduction of a new character from Nora’s past who re-enters the scene with his own secretive agenda. And of course there’s Patch and we FINALLY get to find out his real name! I’ve been thinking about male literary characters that I love recently and Patch is definitely in the top ten. I love bad boys but if there is something I love even more than a bad boy, it’s a bad-boy-turned-good. That makes me weak at the knees.
If I had one criticism about the character development, it would be about Nora. She is supposed to be smart, an A grade student but it seems that in Crescendo, she lies, breaks the law on more than one occasion and ends up acting a little bratty at times. This is arguably out of character but I’m going to put it down to all the incredible, emotional turmoil she is going through and the fact that most of the time, she can’t believe what’s coming out of her own mouth or believe her own actions. And you can’t say that she has been influenced by bad-boy-turned-good Patch either as she is responsible for her own actions. I guess you could say that love makes you do crazy things ;)
Despite the fact that Nora was a little annoying at times, I still really enjoyed the book. Crescendo certainly lives up to its name and builds up to a MASSIVE climax with one major twist that I have to admit I did see coming but I certainly didn’t see what happened in the final pages. You’ll no doubt be pleased to hear that Crescendo ends on a cliffhanger – well sort of – the kind where you just HAVE to know what happens next! ARGH! If you enjoyed Hush, Hush then you are sure to enjoy Crescendo which will leave you even hungrier for more. Bring on the third book "Tempest", which reportedly may or may not be the last book in the series, although nothing is definite at the moment. Crescendo is published on 19th October by Simon & Schuster. If you are a UK book blogger and would like to read Crescendo, visit UK Book Tours and sign up to be on the tour.
You can visit Becca at her website here. She is also active on facebook and Twitter. Also, visit the official fan site FallenArchangel.
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Finding Sky Review

I have to admit that at first I was nervous about picking this book up. Why I hear you ask. Well, the cover is beautiful so it wasn’t that. And the premise sounded fantastic so it wasn’t that either. It was for the simple reason that the author is British and I don’t have a great track record with British authors. I realise this makes me sound like a complete traitor and I don’t mean to be. There are of course exceptions to the rule - I really enjoyed By Midnight by Mia James and obviously classic novels such as Tom’s Midnight Garden, The Secret Garden and pretty much anything by Roald Dahl. Most British teenagers are fed on a diet of American TV shows like Gossip Girl, Glee and The Vampire Diaries. For me, it was more like My So Called Life, Dawson’s Creek and Roswell High. As a teenager, I was obsessed with moving to America and having an authentic “high school” experience. This is one of the things that intrigued me about the book because Finding Sky is about a teenage girl called Sky Bright (yes, she’s heard all the teasing remarks before) who moves from London, England to Colorado in the United States with her adoptive parents due to a job offer they couldn’t refuse. Of course it’s about much more than a British girl experiencing culture shock in another country; it’s about dealing with the past, finding out who you really are and accepting your fate.
To please the hopeless romantic in me, there was a love story with a touch of the supernatural (well sort of). Sky crosses paths with Zed Benedict, a boy with a bad attitude. Initially, they don’t seem to like each other but sparks fly after one particularly eventful incident that changes the way Zed looks at Sky. Zed confesses to being a Savant, someone with extra sensory abilities and claims that Sky is his soulfinder. The idea behind soulfinders is romantic to say the least. Although I can see why someone who doesn’t understand the concept might find it stifling. It’s a bit like being on a first date and asking how many kids you think you’ll have together, just slightly off putting for your date. I thought Sky’s reaction to this news was authentic and I loved how Zed’s character developed when Sky came into his life. Zed explains that he is a different person when he is left to his own devices, almost like he depends on Sky, his soul finder to make him whole, no to be a better man. His character shifts and he becomes a bad boy turned good which is just the kind of guy I like ;)
Sky definitely goes on a journey in this book as she unlocks the secrets to her past and learns to deal with the consequences of doing so. I would have liked to have seen her toughen up a bit and I think she does come out of her shell as the book progresses.
The idea behind Savants was interesting and not something that I’ve read about before in a YA paranormal book. They were nicely represented by the Benedict family and each family member had a different extra sensory gift. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the idea of telepathy and how it used in the book. How awesome would it be to speak to someone using only your thoughts, not only speak to them but hear their replies?! I loved this concept in Raised by Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes and I loved it here too.
As in any good book, there has to be conflict and there were many conflicts going on in this book. I initially thought that the main conflict was going to be about Sky coming to terms with her past but there were other conflicts such as the fact that not all Savants are good, power has a tendency to corrupt ;) I can absolutely see how these gifts could be used for both good and evil purposes and I thought this story line added something extra to the book.
I really enjoyed this story but if I had one criticism it is that a couple of things said by American characters sounded very British. For example, Sky’s friend Tina uses the word “mates” which is not really something I think an American would say. Also, towards the end Zed says “good grief” in a sentence directed towards Sky and to me; this seems out of character and not something that would pass his lips. Of course, you could argue it away and say that Sky’s American friends have adopted Sky’s British way of speaking but it still sounded a little false to me. The good thing is, I was happy to overlook these minor nuances as I loved the story so much.
The story was wrapped up nicely but I’m truly hoping it isn’t a standalone book because I think there is so much Joss could do with it. Firstly, we don’t know a lot about the history behind the Savants. How did they get the name? When did it all begin? How do you become a Savant? Also, I think the fact that Zed has six brothers who haven’t found their soulfinders yet leaves A LOT of room for further stories in the series, perhaps with each brother taking the lead as the protagonist.
I really enjoyed this book, perhaps even more than I expected and it definitely lingers. I’ve been thinking about it for days since I read it. Joss Stirling is definitely a name I will be looking out for in future and based on what I’ve read so far, I’d buy her next book without needing to read the synopsis, ESPECIALLY if it was a sequel to Finding Sky.
Thank you to Oxford University Press for sending me a copy to review.
Just in case you’re wondering, I never did get to experience an American high school but I did become an Au Pair for a year after completing my A Levels. It was certainly a unique experience and I don’t regret it. America felt like home to me and maybe this is why I love American books because I was there at an impressionable age (well that’s what my dad says anyway).
Joss has her own website which you can visit here although there's not a lot there at the moment. Finding Sky is available to buy now.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
The ANGEL UK Blog Tour

Waiting on Wednesday

"In Beatrice Prior’s dystopian Chicago world, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue—Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is—she can’t have both. So she makes a choice that surprises everyone, including herself.
During the highly competitive initiation that follows, Beatrice renames herself Tris, and struggles alongside her fellow initiates to live out the choice they have made. Together, they must undergo extreme physical tests of endurance and intense psychological simulations, some with devastating consequences. As initiation transforms them all, Tris must determine who her friends really are—and where, exactly, a romance with a sometimes-fascinating, sometimes-exasperating boy fits into the life she’s chosen. But Tris also has a secret: one she’s kept hidden from everyone, because she’s been warned it can mean death. And as she discovers unrest and growing conflict that threatens to unravel her seemingly-perfect society, she also learns that her secret might be what helps her save those she loves . . . or it might be what destroys her."
I think this sounds like a mash up of Matched by Ally Condie and The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (presumably without teens killing teens). This is right up my street and one that I will be lusting after until May 2011 *sob* when it comes out. We've got a long wait folks and unless the UK rights get sold, I'm going to find it difficult to get hold of this one before the release date. I can but try though!
What are you waiting on?
Thursday, 16 September 2010
My Adventures with PARANORMALCY (and how it helped me organise my life)
I hadn't really realised until recently just how many books I have in my posession. Due to lack of space, a lot of them had been stored in boxes but when I ran out of boxes, this happened...

And when this happened, guess what else happened? I tripped over the books, almost went through the television and my left hand landed on a mobile phone charger. OUCH! It was so bad that I had to have an x-ray. Thankfully nothing was broken, I had just sprained my wrist. This was when I decided that something needed to be done. I really wanted to organise my books but in order to do that, I was going to have to sort out my office which looked like this...

It was so messy, I couldn't bare to go in there (only when absolutely necessary) and then I'd come out, shut the door and pretend it wasn't happening. So basically, I was disorganised, I didn't know where all my books were and as an aspiring author, I felt like I couldn't write properly until I'd sorted all of this out.
This is where PARANORMALCY** by Kiersten White comes in...

PARANORMALCY is such a kick ass book, that it chose to help me (of course, it knew it was going to get something out of it too but still). We got in the car together...

And we went to...

PARANORMALCY and I had a look around together trying to find some bookcases. It definitely liked the idea of being the only book on the shelves!

Well yes I can see how it would like that and those shelves are nice but we need MOOOOOOOOOORE! So we finally agreed on THREE, yes THREE bookcases to take home with us. And I definitely needed help building them which PARANORMALCY* gladly agreed to.

We spent many hours together, with me hammering and nailing and PARANORMALCY barking out instructions and then we finally did it...

And PARANORMALCY takes centre stage as being THE FIRST BOOK on the new bookcases. And check me out, I may not have a pink tazer but I do have a wireless drill! LOOK OUT!
* My boyfriend may have helped too
** I'm not crazy, I just made a fool out of myself to enter a contest but it was the FUNNEST contest I've ever taken part in :)

And when this happened, guess what else happened? I tripped over the books, almost went through the television and my left hand landed on a mobile phone charger. OUCH! It was so bad that I had to have an x-ray. Thankfully nothing was broken, I had just sprained my wrist. This was when I decided that something needed to be done. I really wanted to organise my books but in order to do that, I was going to have to sort out my office which looked like this...

It was so messy, I couldn't bare to go in there (only when absolutely necessary) and then I'd come out, shut the door and pretend it wasn't happening. So basically, I was disorganised, I didn't know where all my books were and as an aspiring author, I felt like I couldn't write properly until I'd sorted all of this out.
This is where PARANORMALCY** by Kiersten White comes in...

PARANORMALCY is such a kick ass book, that it chose to help me (of course, it knew it was going to get something out of it too but still). We got in the car together...

And we went to...

PARANORMALCY and I had a look around together trying to find some bookcases. It definitely liked the idea of being the only book on the shelves!

Well yes I can see how it would like that and those shelves are nice but we need MOOOOOOOOOORE! So we finally agreed on THREE, yes THREE bookcases to take home with us. And I definitely needed help building them which PARANORMALCY* gladly agreed to.

We spent many hours together, with me hammering and nailing and PARANORMALCY barking out instructions and then we finally did it...

And PARANORMALCY takes centre stage as being THE FIRST BOOK on the new bookcases. And check me out, I may not have a pink tazer but I do have a wireless drill! LOOK OUT!
* My boyfriend may have helped too
** I'm not crazy, I just made a fool out of myself to enter a contest but it was the FUNNEST contest I've ever taken part in :)
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Waiting on Wednesday

"In the beginning, there's a boy standing in the trees. . .
Clara Gardner has recently learned that she's part angel. Having angel blood run through her veins not only makes her smarter, stronger, and faster than humans (a word, she realizes, that no longer applies to her), but it means she has a purpose, something she was put on this earth to do. Figuring out what it is, though, isn't easy.
Her visions of a raging forest fire and an alluring stranger lead her to a new school in a new town. When she meets Christian, who turns out to be the boy of her dreams (literally), everything seems to fall into place--and out of place, at the same time. Because there's another guy, Tucker, who appeals to Clara's less angelic side.
As Clara tries to find her way in a world she no longer understands, she encounters unseen dangers and choices she never thought she'd have to make--between honesty and deceit, love and duty, good and evil. When the fire from her vision finally ignites, will Clara be ready to face her destiny?"
Ok, firstly the cover is gorgeous and I love the title! But what I really love is that it involves angels. Everyone knows that I'm part wolf girl and part angel girl so OF COURSE this book appeals to me. I especially like the idea of the main protagonist being part angel which is not really a concept I have come across in other YA books about angels. This has my curiousity piqued!
Unearthly will be published by HarperTeen in the US on 4th January, 2011. The UK rights have not been sold as of yet but that does not deter me! Thanks to online resellers, I will be ordering this one when the time comes and if I can manage to get my hands on an ARC (which will of course go on a tour for UK Book Tours) then that that would be fantastic!! If I love it, I'll buy a finished copy anyway :)
What are you waiting on?
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Happy Roald Dahl Day

Friday, 10 September 2010
Blogfest 2010

So, as part of Blogfest there are over 257 blogs giving away amazing things! Find out all about it and who else is participating by visiting A Journey of Books.
Up for grabs is: "A Writer's Necessity Pack" as donated by the very wonderful Jordan Deen (author of The Crescent and upcoming sequel Half Moon). Visit Jordan here for more information about Jordan and her books. She is also part of Blogfest and has ANOTHER awesome contest going on besides that one!!
So the prize pack consists of:
An RCA Voice Recorder (200 hour, 512 MB)
Writing the BreakOut Novel book
2 Notebooks
1 Journal
1 4x6 notepad
1 pack of pens
1 pack of pencils
Pack of book covers
Under the bed tote/caddy
2 signed Half Moon BookMarks
All you have to do is follow my blog and leave a comment below with your e mail address and location. This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL and there can only be one winner. Good luck everyone, the deadline is 12th September.
Monday, 6 September 2010
I have a quandry...

What do you guys think?
Do you prefer bloggers to include the original synopsis or would you prefer them to rewrite it using their own words?
Does it even matter?
Thank you in advance for your comments, I really appreciate them :)
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Half Moon Cover Reveal Scavenger Hunt

Half Moon Swag
$25 B&N Gift Card
Jewelry Box
USB Camera/Video recorder
That is some prize pack and I bet now you're wondering what you have to do to win. Well, here are the rules:
1) You start and finish at Jordan's website here. She will have a special post with all the bloggers hyperlinked in the order they need to be visited. I am first!!
2) You go to each bloggers website, check out their post and portion of Chapter 2 of Half Moon. Within their section there will be one word that stands out from the others. Collect that word. You must follow each of the blogs and comment on each in order to be officially entered.
3) Once you have all your words, you return to Jordan's blog and post a comment of what you thought about Chapter 2 of 'Half Moon'. Then, send an email to: info@JordanDeen.com with the sentence that the words formed from the thirteen websites.
That's all! Once you have commented, followed everyone, and emailed Jordan - you are done. If you want extra entries- you can tweet this contest, add it to your blog roll, or share it on facebook. The contest will go from early morning on 2nd September and conclude at midnight (California time) on 9th September.
So now for Half Moon. Just to let you know, you can already read chapter one by visiting Jordan's website here and clicking on the Half Moon link to the left. Here is my exclusive excerpt of chapter two of Half Moon:
"Grant was gone by first light. Lily too. The sound of feet shuffling back and forth in front of the door pulled me out of bed. Nicole stopped pacing abruptly when I flung open the door to glare at her. She wore a path in front of my door, waiting for me to wake. She’d never done that before, so it flared my suspicions. “You’re up! Good!” Having a stand-in best friend sucked. But Emile and Brandon insisted. They thought it would make me assimilate into the pack, and Brandon said she was just like Jillian, my ex-best friend. They may have had similarities, but only if you looked really deep. Both of them being werewolves didn’t count. At least, Nicole wasn’t trying to kill me like Jillian and her mate, Gavin had. “Yeah. Where’s Lily?” I asked because it’d be easier to put up with her. “She’s out with Matt and Trevor. They are getting ready for another trip.” I pulled on a hoodie and slid on the boots Emile loaned me. “Maybe I should go help them?”
Did you spot the word you need to collect? I sure hope so. The next stop on the scavenger hunt is Jessica over at Confessions of a Bookaholic so hop on over there and read the next part of chapter two as well as collecting the word that stands out to you. Good luck to everyone that enters and remember to add the book to your list on GoodReads :)
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Waiting on Wednesday

"In a world where angels are beyond redemption, Alex thinks he's found one that might deserve mercy. Alex is a ruthless assassin - of angels. Forget everything you've heard about them before. Angels are not benign celestial creatures, but fierce stalkers whose irresistible force allows them to feed off humans, draining them of their vitality until there is barely anything left. As far as Alex is concerned, the only good angel is a dead angel...until he meets Willow. She may look like a normal teenager but Willow is no ordinary girl. Half-angel, half-human, Willow may hold the key to defeating the evil angels. But as the hunter and the hunted embark on an epic and dangerous journey and Willow learns the dark and terrifying secrets of her past, Alex finds himself drawn to Willow...with devastating consequences. Eoin Colfer reinvented the fairy, Stephenie Meyer reinvented the vampire, L.A. Weatherly reinvents the angel! This is a heart-pounding, knuckle-whitening, paranormal romance action-adventure for fans of the "Twilight" series. This is the first in a devastating new trilogy."
Firstly, it's an angel book so I'm automatically sold but secondly, it sounds like a new spin on angel mythology and that certainly piques my interest. The book releases on 1st October and I'm pre-ordering now. The author, L.A.Weatherly will be touring parts of the UK in October so keep an eye on the facebook page here for more information. I will be at one of them for sure! I'm also hoping to have an ARC of Angel tour the UK over on my other site UK Book Tours so look out for that really soon!
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