Thursday 16 September 2010

My Adventures with PARANORMALCY (and how it helped me organise my life)

I hadn't really realised until recently just how many books I have in my posession. Due to lack of space, a lot of them had been stored in boxes but when I ran out of boxes, this happened...

And when this happened, guess what else happened? I tripped over the books, almost went through the television and my left hand landed on a mobile phone charger. OUCH! It was so bad that I had to have an x-ray. Thankfully nothing was broken, I had just sprained my wrist. This was when I decided that something needed to be done. I really wanted to organise my books but in order to do that, I was going to have to sort out my office which looked like this...

It was so messy, I couldn't bare to go in there (only when absolutely necessary) and then I'd come out, shut the door and pretend it wasn't happening. So basically, I was disorganised, I didn't know where all my books were and as an aspiring author, I felt like I couldn't write properly until I'd sorted all of this out.

This is where PARANORMALCY** by Kiersten White comes in...

PARANORMALCY is such a kick ass book, that it chose to help me (of course, it knew it was going to get something out of it too but still). We got in the car together...

And we went to...

PARANORMALCY and I had a look around together trying to find some bookcases. It definitely liked the idea of being the only book on the shelves!

Well yes I can see how it would like that and those shelves are nice but we need MOOOOOOOOOORE! So we finally agreed on THREE, yes THREE bookcases to take home with us. And I definitely needed help building them which PARANORMALCY* gladly agreed to.

We spent many hours together, with me hammering and nailing and PARANORMALCY barking out instructions and then we finally did it...

And PARANORMALCY takes centre stage as being THE FIRST BOOK on the new bookcases. And check me out, I may not have a pink tazer but I do have a wireless drill! LOOK OUT!

* My boyfriend may have helped too
** I'm not crazy, I just made a fool out of myself to enter a contest but it was the FUNNEST contest I've ever taken part in :)


  1. This post made me smile :) I'm glad you found some shelves that suited you! I need more space as well.

  2. OMG very very funny I've been looking at "paranormalcy & I" photos all evening and yours are definately tops.

    *giggles* Paranormal Ikea *snort*

  3. Ha ha, I have no idea what the contest is for but awesome entry!!!

  4. LOL Lynsey, you look awesome brandishing that power drill. Awesome entry for the contest!! I know what you mean about space though, I added 2 bookcases (Ikea as well!) this year, and it's only with doubling up on one that I have any space left still.

  5. Last photo is awesome! Great entry! :D

    Oh, btw, would love to see your organized office and bookshelf :D

  6. Thank you so much for all your comments guys, I'm so glad you like the post. I will admit to cracking up laughing every time I see that last photo! Even if I don't win the contest, I had a blast and I've got lots of new shelves and an organised office out it :)

  7. Congratulations on making an organization breakthrough!

  8. LOL that was awesome! the shelves look nice!

  9. I love this post (and you, quite a bit right now) though I can't believe you posted a before photo of your messy room! That took guts! My favourite though, is that last photo. Fantastic.

  10. Great post Lynsey - those piles of books beside your bed look very familiar, I have similar in my room LOL. Good luck with the contest :o)

  11. Very cute post there girl. :)

  12. Sooooo funny Lynsey! I would never have dared post photos of my unorganised room back at home.

  13. OMG. I seriously almost peed myself. I love it. So hilarious!!!!!


  14. That is *so* freaking funny. And now I'm incredibly jealous of how much shelf space you have. Maybe shelf space is a weird thing to be envious of... but I'm sure you can relate.

  15. Haha, great post and I am so jealous of all those bookcases...I can only fit one!

  16. LOL! I think you and Paranormalcy did a brilliant job. The shelves look amazing and I bet by now groaningly full already :P

  17. l love them shelves! So jealous you have so much room for the books now!
