Kasey falls in love with a new guy and is torn!
Ooooooh! Tell us how do you get your inspiration for story ideas?
My dreams, life, art, etc.
Are you doing anything special for Halloween this year?
I’m in the process of opening a bookstore. So I’d love to have a Halloween Launch. But construction is taking a wee bit longer than I thought, so I’m not sure. I’ll definitely be participating in trunk or treat, where local kids gather treats from cars rather than houses.
That sounds awesome, hopefully you will tell us more closer to opening! In the meantime, what are you working on right now?
I have a few things brewing in my pot. A YA that has some interesting elements, not truly Steampunk, but a slight flavour. It’s set in a world where electricity isn’t allowed. I’m also trying my hand at writing a Middle Grade novel. I’ve also written a short ghost story for charity called Death Becomes Her. It is in the Spirited anthology that is coming out in October.
Sounds good! Thank you for answering my questions! To find out more about Kitty and her books, click here to visit her website. Next up is Linda Joy Singleton, author of the Dead Girl series.

Hmmm…well in BURIED Thorn goes out with a mysterious guy and they have a crazy adventure which involves painting a truck pink. BURIED comes out in March from Flux.
I love getting inside information! Tell us, how do you get your inspiration for story ideas?
Dreams and daydreams and a lifetime of reading.
Are you doing anything special for Halloween this year?
YES! Around 30 members of the Singleton Family are going on a 4-day cruise to Mexico on Halloween day. It’s going to be crazy fun.
That sounds like a blast! What are you working on right now?
I just finished a science fiction YA (mystery-romance) and my agent is shopping it to editors. Since it’s the first book in a trilogy, I need to get started on Book 2 soon, so I’ve started writing down ideas for the plot. I have a general idea of what will happen but expect lots of surprises along the way.
Oh, I'm loving the sound of that already as it sounds right up my street! Hopefully you will keep us posted! To find out more about Linda and her books, click here to visit her website.
Thank you to both Kitty and Linda for being my guests on the blog today. Don't forget that each day of The Crossroads Blog Tour, a new research question will be revealed on The Crossroad Blog Tour main page here and each day the answer to that question will be found within one of the different blog posts by Crossroads Tour authors. Your job is to get the question, read the blog posts, and collect all answers by the end of the tour, on Halloween. Answers are to be emailed to bridgesocialmedia@gmail.com by October 31st at MIDNIGHT. Winner of the grand prize will be announced on November 1st, the DAY OF THE DEAD. I will also be holding a contest in the near future and details are coming.
Follow the tour on Twitter here and on Facebook here
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Thanks for hosting me! I love the UK, I spent three and half weeks there back in 09. Best trip ever...