In my Unbound trilogy, the second book, Shadow Bound, was actually the one I proposed to my editor first. She thought it wouldn’t be the best introduction to the world I’d created and asked me to do another character’s story in that world first, which is how Blood Bound came to be.
How do you get your inspiration for story ideas?
Lots of hard work and brainstorming. And fajitas. Seriously.
I think I'm going to have to eat more fajitas then! Are you doing anything special for Halloween this year?
I don’t dress up, but we always decorate the yard and make a Haunted Gingerbread House. And recently we’ve started having a Halloween “feast,” complete with gross but fun foods.
Sounds good! What are you working on after this series ends?
I’m not actually at the end of either the Soul Screamers or the Unbound series yet, but I do have several other ideas on my proverbial back burner. Nothing I can talk about yet, though.
Thank you Rachel! Don't forget that each day of The Crossroads Blog Tour, a new research question will be revealed on The Crossroad Blog Tour main page here and each day the answer to that question will be found within one of the different blog posts by Crossroads Tour authors. Your job is to get the question, read the blog posts, and collect all answers by the end of the tour, on Halloween. Answers are to be emailed to bridgesocialmedia@gmail.com by October 31st at MIDNIGHT. Winner of the grand prize will be announced on November 1st, the DAY OF THE DEAD. I will also be holding a contest in the near future and details are coming.
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BRIDGE Social Media is holding a special promotion for public libraries. Libraries that actively promote the Crossroads tour (post a link on their website, mention it in their newsletters, etc) can email us proof of their promotional activities by midnight on OCTOBER 31st to be entered in a draw to win a FREE SKYPE AUTHOR VISIT FOR THEIR LIBRARIES – WITH BEST-SELLING YA AUTHOR, RACHEL VINCENT.
I love fajitas! I just bought My Soul to Take. I cant wait to read it!