YES. I am participating in a great multi-author event in Johnstown, NY called Unmask the Writer Within. It’s a first year event and we’re doing workshops, readings, panels, signings and a ghost tour and masquerade to wrap things up! I’m VERY excited!
If only I lived in the same country! What are you working on next?
I am TOTALLY head over heels in love with the two projects I’m doing next... I’m working on a cyberpunk/sci-fi story that connects to my short Augmented reality-spiked story “To Hel and Back” (included in Leap Books’ anthology for charity SPIRITED: 13 Haunting Tales) AND I’m digging deep into some amazing historical research for a novel that deals with a revolutionary moment in American history (not the Rev War) which helped change things forever. And includes kissing. Huh. Both stories include revolution, rebellion and kissing. No wonder I adore them!
I like ths sound of both of those projects, I have to say! Thank you Shannon :) Next up, I'm pleased to welcome Carrie Harris (author of Bad Taste in Boys) to the blog.

Well, in BAD HAIR DAY, Kate has more than werewolves on her hands. She’s also got to deal with another girl who’s trying to steal her boyfriend Aaron, and that means making some very tough choices. It’s hard to justify obsessing over your relationship when people are dying. And not everyone makes it out alive in this book.
Dum dum DUUUUUM.
Eek! How do you get your inspiration for story ideas?
I get inspiration from all over the place. Movies, news articles, music. But more than anything, I get them from my friends. I hang out with some very strange people who send me emails that say things like, “I reserve the right to make a bacon hat.” My husband is a ninja doctor, and his nickname is Slayer because of the one time he ran up a sheer rock wall to save me from a swarm of bees. I’m always laughing at the crazy things going on around me, but there’s a part of my brain that’s carefully cataloguing every event for later. BEWARE, PEOPLE WHO KNOW ME. IF YOU MAKE ME ANGRY, I HAVE LOTS OF AMMO.
I’m kidding about that. Mostly.
Remind me never to upset you! Are you doing anything special for Halloween this year?
Halloween is of course my favorite holiday ever. It’s also my son’s birthday, which is so epicsauce. I think this year, he wants to have a costume party, which means that I will be making cupcakes with zombie hands sticking out the top and dressing up like Zombie Gaga and herding a bunch of eight-year-olds around my house. And I’m way too excited about this.
I hope there will be some photographic evidence available for that ;) What are you working on next?
I just finished copy edits on the sequel last week! It’s called BAD HAIR DAY, and it’s a whole new adventure for Kate involving werewolves and nanotechnology and killer coconuts and blueberry flavored astronauts. Can you tell that I had a lot of fun writing it? I’m also waiting for feedback on my third book, which I’m really looking forward to tearing apart. I’m a very heavy editor too—I admire people who can write pretty first drafts and send them in right away, but I’m not one of them.
In short, I’m plenty busy! That’s one of the things I like about my job—I can be working on lots of different things at once so I never get bored. And really, between the zombies and the werewolves and the blueberry flavored astronauts, it’s anything but boring around here.
Thank you to both Shannon and Carrie for being my guests on the blog today. Don't forget that each day of The Crossroads Blog Tour, a new research question will be revealed on The Crossroad Blog Tour main page here and each day the answer to that question will be found within one of the different blog posts by Crossroads Tour authors. Your job is to get the question, read the blog posts, and collect all answers by the end of the tour, on Halloween. Answers are to be emailed to bridgesocialmedia@gmail.com by October 31st at MIDNIGHT. Winner of the grand prize will be announced on November 1st, the DAY OF THE DEAD. I will also be holding a contest in the near future and details are coming.
Follow the tour on Twitter here and on Facebook here
BRIDGE Social Media is holding a special promotion for public libraries. Libraries that actively promote the Crossroads tour (post a link on their website, mention it in their newsletters, etc) can email us proof of their promotional activities by midnight on OCTOBER 31st to be entered in a draw to win a FREE SKYPE AUTHOR VISIT FOR THEIR LIBRARIES – WITH BEST-SELLING YA AUTHOR, RACHEL VINCENT.
The birthday party sounds so fun! My birthday is the day before Halloween and I have never once had a costume party.. I hope he had a great birthday!