Wednesday 19 January 2011

The Big Blogoversary Celebration

You'll never guess what? I've only been blogging for a WHOLE YEAR now and at the end of this month, it's my blogoversary! I can't believe everything that's happened in just a year...
  • I've read and reviewed some FANTASTIC books and I want you to know that I'm always grateful to receive ARC's - I never take it for granted that I'm lucky enough to read something in advance.
  • I set up UK Book Tours so that I could share ARC's and books with other UK bloggers.
  • I've met some fabulous bloggers, both UK based and international who have become friends.
  • I've met some AMAZING authors such as Maggie Stievater, Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Lauren Kate, Becca Fitzpatrick, L.A. Weatherly and Maria V. Snyder.
  • Took part in blog tours for Finding Sky by Joss Stirling, Half Moon by Jordan Deen, Hexbound by Chloe Neill, Angel by L.A. Weatherly, The Chainsaw Gang (UK based writers).
  • I named Lauren Oliver's next book after Delirium, entitled PANDEMONIUM.
  • I've learnt so much about publishing and have established professional relationships with a lot of publishing companies.
Not to mention the fact that I managed to win a contest for an ARC of Linger by Maggie Stiefvater which pretty much made my year! I've also been lucky enough to win a few other contests (thank you I heart you).

So what's happening this year I hear you ask? OK, maybe that's just the voices in my head! Well, the biggest thing is going to BEA (Book Expo America) in NYC!!! I'm going to be staying in a huge house with tons of other bloggers and I'm so excited about the whole experience. I'm going to get to meet some of my most loved authors and pick up books to bring back and review as well as put on the tour site (I'm all about sharing the book love). Don't worry, I will of course be blogging about my experience :)

Anyway, back to the celebrations. I am co-hosting The Big Blogoversary Celebration with Kate from I Just Wanna Sit Here and Read and between us we have some AMAZING giveaways for you! This is a big one folks as we're giving away TONS of books, some of which may be signed. Just sayin'. The giveaways will start next week (Jan 24th) and go through two amazing weeks (ends Feb 4th). I hope you'll come back and join in the fun. Thank you to all my followers and a special thank you to the people that make an effort to comment on my posts. I love you all and this giveaway is for YOU. Stay tuned.


  1. Congrats on a successful and eventful first year!

  2. Congrats Lynsey! You've been an awesome addition to the blogging community. :)

  3. Happy blogoversary! and you had an amazing year lucky duck!

  4. Happy blogoversary Lynsey. You have done so well. Getting to name Lauren Olivers next book is AMAZING!

  5. Hurrah and congratulations on your blogiversary :) can't wait to see what fun stuff you have in store for us. Sounds like this past year has been an incredible one for you, I hope the coming year tops it!

  6. Happy Blogoversary Lyndsey and congrats on an amazing first year :D

  7. Oh Happy Blogoversary Lynsey! Here's to another year of awesomeness! x

  8. Gosh, I'm honoured by your lovely comments. THANK YOU so much to ALL OF YOU x

    I hope you enter all the amazing giveaways and thank you for your continued support.
