Tuesday 8 June 2010

Interview with Jackson Pearce

Having just reviewed Sisters Red by the fabulous Jackson Pearce, I was recently given the chance to interview her! This is my first ever interview with an author and I'm very honoured that it's Jackson. Welcome to the blog Jackson and here are your questions:

I've been dying to know how you came up with the idea for Sisters Red? What was your inspiration?

JP: I’d been thinking about writing a book about sisters for ages—a book about what it means to be the older sister and what it means to be the younger sister. I also had this idea for a badass Little Red Riding Hood, one who was the hunter instead of the prey. One night the two slammed into one another!

I really enjoyed the book – especially the relationships between the three main characters. I was wondering if Sisters Red is a standalone novel or can we expect to see a sequel? If not, do you think you will ever revisit these characters?

JP: SISTERS RED is the first in a series of companion novels, all of which are fairytale retellings. I’m not sure if I’ll return to the characters of SISTERS RED for a direct sequel—I’d certainly love to, but I want to make sure the story and characters are ready before I start writing!

What do you think of the cover art for Sisters Red? And do you prefer the US or UK cover?

JP: I LOVE the cover art. It was done by an amazing artist named Allison—StrawberryLuna.com is her website. The UK and US covers are so similar that I don’t really have a preference. I love both the matte red on the US cover, and the foil on the UK cover. I’m thrilled with the cover in any incarnation.

I understand your next book is entitled “Sweetly”, can you tell us more about it?

JP: SWEETLY is a retelling of Hansel and Gretel, about a girl named Gretchen who is trying to make sense of her twin sister’s disappearing in the forest when they were little. When she meets a young and beautiful chocolatier owner, the mystery of Gretchen’s missing twin combines becomes darker, and combines with other vanishing girls, family secrets, and life-threatening betrayals.

What genre would you love to write next? (presumably still within YA)

JP: I’m about to start working on a historical fantasy, but I’m not sure it’ll be something I publish—I’m just writing it for fun at the moment!

Can you tell us a little bit about your writing process for the writers out there – e.g. do you outline? Write scene by scene?

JP: I am a BIG fan of outlining. I usually outline for weeks before I start a book, if not months. Outlining helps me figure out character arcs and plot snags before I’m fifty thousand words into a book.

I can’t do an interview with you and not mention the infamous music videos – how long did it take you to do Writer’s Block? And are you secretly a frustrated pop star?! P.s. the video was amazing!

JP: Oh man, that video took FOREVER. You know the confetti in the end? I had to go back to the site the next morning and vacuum it up with a lawn blower. That by itself took almost two hours. The video was still a lot of fun though. I’m definitely a wannabe pop star—but I can’t sing at all. The Tik Tok parody is very, very auto-tuned.

Who are your favourite literary couple?

JP: Ron and Hermione!

Who is your fictional crush?

JP: At this very moment? Mark Twain. I know, I know, he’s technically not fictional, but he’s literary! The man was a genius, I tell you. And very good looking in his youth…

Tell us one thing we don’t know about you

JP: I hate wearing pants, because I think it feels like they’re eating my legs. I wish I could wear sundresses year round.

What’s the one question you’re never asked but want to be asked? (also please answer it)

JP: How many My Little Ponies do you own?

93 (toys from the 1980’s are the BEST). You are free to think I’m a loser now.

A big thank you to Jackson for answering my questions and happy book birthday for Sisters Red. Please check out my review below (then go and get yourself a copy!)


  1. Great interview Linsey! I loved it and she is so great!!! The Pony answer had me laughing!

  2. Great interview! I loved the pant answer haha!

    I love books about sisters really can't wait to read this now.

  3. Thanks guys :) Definitely put this book on your to be read list!

  4. My Little Ponies!! I had some of them too when I was a girl xD

    I watch the video an laughed a lot!
