So I've come across a few cover reveals this week and wanted to share them with you and see what you thought...

First up is Delirium by Lauren Oliver. The ARC had a very different cover (which I also liked) but the final cover is quite striking. I especially like how the face is embedded behind the text and I think it will sit really nicely on bookstore shelves. I've been chomping at the bit to read this since I first heard about it, which seems like a really long time now and I can't wait until February, 2011 *sob* when it is released.

Next up is Entangled by Cat Clarke. I also think this is quite striking (it's the red hair that does it, I only wish I could pull off a look like that) and I love the henna like tattoo image in the bottom right hand corner. For some reason, I also like the fact that the font is all in lower case. I'm really excited to read this and although the release date is not until January, 2011 I'm actually going to get to read this NOW as I'm organising a UK tour for it over on my other website
UK BOOK TOURS. If you live in the UK and have been book blogging for at least 3 months, you can sign up to any of the tours on the site.

The Sapphire Talisman is the follow up novel to The Emerald Talisman by Brenda Pandos. I've just purchased a copy of The Emerald Talisman so look out for my review in the near future. I love the background image which looks like it could be on one of those zen like posters you put on your living room wall. The sapphire Talisman is released in December of this year.

Proving that blue books continue to be awesome, this is the US cover for My Soul to Steal by Rachel Vincent. I think it's VERY striking and I love the addition of a hot boy on the cover! It's not released until January, 2011. As you may be aware, the UK covers look very different and I find it hard to choose between the two. However, my Rachel Vincent books are US copies so I'll be buying this one to fit in with the rest of the collection. Should probably start reading them then LOL.

And finally we have The Dark and Hollow Places which is the next book in the zombie series by Carrie Ryan. This is the UK cover and I have to say that I have always preferred the UK covers for this series and this one is no exception. It does however remind me of "Forbidden" by Tabitha Suzuma as the same barbed wire image of a heart is used on that book. Anyway, I still love it. The Dark and Hollow Places is released in March, 2011.

Just out of interest, this is the US cover. Which one do you prefer?

So Shannon Delany posts her new cover on Twitter about ten minutes after I write this post LOL so I've added her on to the end here. Secrets and Shadows is of course the sequel to 13 To Life which I LOVED. I think this cover is beautiful and I love the way it still looks a bit like the 13 To Life cover with the eye and the motif on the left hand side of the book. I also love the yellow-orange colours and I'm assuming it's Jess and Pietr on the cover. If they're heading off into the sunset could this be a hint at a happy ending? I sure hope so!
So, what do you think about the rest of the covers?
Sometimes I like books with people in the cover, but usually it is only when you can't see their faces and just their bodies. (The Gossip girl series does this well). From what I see on your blog it looks like the US covers usually have pictures of people on them rather than the UK ones, is this true?
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ReplyDeleteI really like the Delirium cover - I cannot wait to read it!
ReplyDeleteI've also always prefered the UK cover for Carrie Ryan's series too. And I agree with Magan, I also think US covers are more likely to have images of people on them than the UK covers.
Is that definitely the cover for Delirium? I saw it on Goodreads but couldn't find it on the publisher website, so I wasn't quite sure. If so, I like it but I'm not crazy about it.
ReplyDeleteI am crazy about the cover for Engtangled, however. It's fantastic. And I can't wait to read it!
Magan - yeah I think you might be right actually. Michaela agrees with you!
ReplyDeleteLauren - yes that's the final cover which Lauren Oliver posted on her blog. I like it. And yep, Entangled looks great. Sign up for the tour for a chance to read it!
First time I've seen the cover for Secrets and Shadows. Love it!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love these covers! :)
ReplyDeleteI have just discovered your blog and also can't wait for Delirium and entangled :D
ReplyDeleteI see you already have a Versatile Blogger award but I'm also going to give you one because everyone likes awards and I'm new and I like your blog :D
You can collect it here:
Jill - me too!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Dwayne
Jess, awww thanks hon! And welcome!