Sunday 16 September 2012

Letterbox Love (#20)

As always, Letterbox Love is a weekly feature that I'm hosting on the blog and basically, the idea came out of a discussion with other UK book bloggers about the need to do a weekly meme with more of a British feel to it.  Therefore, Letterbox Love was born and the logo was lovingly designed by Dark Readers.  Letterbox Love is a way for us to share the books that come through our letterbox, galleys and e books (through our electronic letterbox) and any other bookish goodies that we want to tell you about.  Letterbox Love is intended to showcase upcoming books and build up some excitement for them as well as let you know what is available out there.  It is not about competing with other bloggers or boasting of any kind (c'mon, we're British and we don't do drama!)

I've received some great books this week...

Review Books

Falling to Ash by Karen Mahoney
This is Karen's new book about a character called Moth (you might recall that she previously wrote a short story about this character which featured in an anthology).  The cover is GORGEOUS and I was lucky enough to get mine signed as I met up with her, Tessa Gratton and Natalie C. Parker as well as some other bloggers of course (as you do).  One thing you need to know about Karen and yes this is totally random, she can pose for silly photo's for HOURS.  For reals. 

The Dark Heroine (Dinner with a Vampire) by Abigail Gibbs
 This book has been seriously hyped up recently with 18 year old Abigail featuring in the national press and even on breakfast television.  She started writing the story when she was fifteen and posted snippets on Wattpad where it's had 17 million views.  The book sold to Harper Collins for six figures.  At 522 pages, it's not a quick read but I read it IN A DAY as I couldn't put it down. Look out for my review in the near future.

Poison Princess by Kresley Cole
This book by NYT best selling author Kresley Cole sounds AWESOME albeit slightly scary as it's set in a post-apocalyptic world.  Very interested to read this one which looks like it's part of a new series.

Entice by Jessica Shirvington
I have been waiting and waiting for this book ever since I finished Embrace as I was desperate for more.  Let's just say that I am totally reading this next and I can't wait to see what happens.

Heart Shaped Bruise by Tanya Byrne
This is one of those books that I've been meaning to read for ages as I love Tanya online and I love the cover of the new paperback.  I will get round to it, damn it. 

Tigers Destiny by Colleen Houck
I've never read this series so I can't really comment other than to say that I'll be passing it on to the library. 

Review Books

What's Left of Me by Kat Zhang
I've been wanting to read this book for months so I'm really glad I've got a copy!  It sounds a bit like The Host to me but nevertheless, it definitely sounds interesting. 

Ruthless by Sara Shepard
This is the TENTH book in a series I've never read and I have no idea why it's been sent to me.  I did start watching the television series but I got bored with it, especially when I realised we were never going to find out who A is, or at least not for another 3 books or series.  If anyone knows and would like to message me privately or e mail me the answer, I'd be very grateful!

Thank you publishers!!!

Books Bought

The Rise of Nine by Pittacus Lore
I really enjoyed I am Number Four but I have to admit that I'm a bit behind with the series now.  This is the third book and yet another pretty cover.  One day, I will catch up!

Team Human by Justine Larbalestier and Sarah Rees Brennan
I love the title and idea of this book but I was never sure if I should get it or not.  I ended up seeing it in Foyles (London) and decided to get it so it's become an impulse buy.

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness and Siobhan Dowd
I've been reading a bit about this book in the press lately and it's just been reissued in paperback (not the one above).  I decided to buy it as it's been critically appraised and quite frankly, I'm curious.

Monstrous Beauty by Elizabeth Fama
I've been looking for a decent mermaid book for what seems the longest time and fingers crossed, this is it. I've heard some great things from bloggers whose opinions I respect so I'm hopeful! This purchase is a risk so I hope it pays off.


The Story Book: A Writer's Guide to Story Development, Priniciples, Problem Resolution and Marketing by David Baboulene (Bought)
As you may know, I'm an aspiring author and I saw this book that had a ton of five star reviews so I thought I'd check it out. 

Try Me (Take a Chance) by Diane Alberts (Bought)
I can't remember where I saw this but I LOVED the fact that the main protagonist is a marine and the love story is not instalove but a relationship that has been years in the making.

Perigree Moon by Tara Fuller (Bought)
I just finished reading Inbetween by Tara Fuller and absolutely loved it like woah, therefore I immediately looked online to see what else she has written and I found this.  From what I can gather, I think this is going to be relaunched so I snapped it up whilst it was still available

Crazy Love by Nicola Marsh (Bought)
I really enjoyed Not the Marrying Kind and so when I heard that Nicola had written another book, I bought it. 

No Escape by Michelle Gagnon (Free)
This is a short story and I think a prequel to the novel Don't Turn Around by debut author Michelle Gagnon.  I would urge you to check out these books as they sound fantastic and I have the main book on pre-order. 

Exclusively Yours by Shannon Stacey (Bought)
This is the first book in the Kowalski series and I wanted to try it before investing in the rest of the books. I love any sort of books about brothers ;)

Little Red Riding Crop by Tiffany Reisz (Free)
This is the prequel to Siren, a book that took me WELL out of my comfort zone but was EXCEPTIONALLY written.  I'm invested in the story so of course, I have to read this.

I've been on a bit of a kindle spree this week (as you can see) and I've also pre-ordered some books which means that pretty soon I'm going to go broke LOL.  I know you all know that despite having millions of books to read, I just can't stop buying books!  I love them!  The only problem is, I read fast but I write slower which means my reviews are often backed up but I'll be working on that tomorrow.  As always, I hope you had a good week for books and please leave me your links below :)


  1. Yes you have been on a kindle spree! They do sound good though. I'm looking forward to Falling to Ash. Also I didn't know the third Pitaccus Lore was out. Thanks for mentioning it.

  2. Nice haul! I'm looking forward to seeing what you think of What's Left of Me, as I enjoyed it. And Team Human sounds like a great read! Enjoy!

    Here are my books.

  3. That's such a pretty stack of books! It's funny when the publisher sends you the 10th in a series, especially when it's a series you're not particularly interested in. I have like 7 sequels to different series sitting on my shelf and deciding what to do with them.
    Happy reading!
    Here's what I got last week.

    1. I know, that does drive me slighly potty! Thanks for commenting :)

  4. Wow, you got so many! Also, I totally agree with Ivana that it's ridic how they send a book so far into the series when you haven't read any! What are you supposed to do with it? I had a pub send an unsolicited book fifth in a series, AND they were all massive, AND it was romance, which really isn't my genre. Why do this? It's such a waste!
