Sunday 14 April 2013

Letterbox Love (#48)

As always, Letterbox Love is a weekly feature that I'm hosting on the blog and basically, the idea came out of a discussion with other UK book bloggers about the need to do a weekly meme with more of a British feel to it. Therefore, Letterbox Love was born and the logo was lovingly designed by Dark Readers. Letterbox Love is a way for us to share the books that come through our letterbox, galleys and e books (through our electronic letterbox) and any other bookish goodies that we want to tell you about. Letterbox Love is intended to showcase upcoming books and build up some excitement for them as well as let you know what is available out there. It is not about competing with other bloggers or boasting of any kind (c'mon, we're British and we don't do drama!)

Review Books

Angelfall by Susan EE (unsolicited)
I've only just heard about this book which started off being published by Amazon publishing and has now been picked up by a traditional publisher.  Let me tell you that the photograph does not do this book justice, it's absolutely beautiful and I'm excited to read it, especially with all the buzz it's gotten (that I'm just finding out about)

Thank You Publishers!!!

Books Bought

Apollyon by Jennifer L. Armentrout
This is one of my favourite book series from one of my favourite authors so naturally, I had to have this for my collection even though I read an Arc a few months ago.  Look out for my review soon. 
The Collector by Victoria Scott
This is another book I received an Arc for but I wanted a finished copy for my shelves. 


Saving Mars by Cidney Swanson (Bought)
I've seen nothing but five star reviews for this little book and I have to admit that I'm curious.  At 77p, it's worth the risk. 
Defying Mars by Cidney Swanson (Free)
The second book in this series is free and if I'm honest, spurred me on to buying the first one.  

The Space Between (The Book of Phoenix) by Kristie Cook (Bought)
A New Adult PARANORMAL with a bad boy? YES PLEASE.

Fight or Flight by Jamie Canosa (Free)
I'm not yet sure if this is YA or NA but I'm thinking the latter simply because of the cover and the title.  Again, I've seen nothing but five star reviews for this and it was free!
After Eden by Helen Douglas (Netgalley - For Review) 
This book sounds right up my street and I think it's either to do with space travel or time travel.  I LOVE the cover and I can't wait to read it.

House of Secrets by Christopher Columbus (Netgalley - For Review)
I like the sound of the story and I LOVE books about books but if I'm being completely honest, it's probably the fact that this is written by Christopher Columbus that has me interested the most.

I think you'll all agree that I've been really good with ebooks this week and long shall that continue!  I'm sure you're not that surprised to know that devoured The Elite in less than 24 hours and I'm really excited to read Angelfall.  I've finished reading my two little spicy alien books (LOL) and I'm almost done reading The Essence by Kimberly Derting.  I'm torn over what to start next simply because I'm surrounded by way too much awesome!!  As always, I hope you had a great week for books and please let me know what you're reading and enjoying as well as leaving your links below.


  1. Very nice haul indeed. You got some very nice book. I got the Collector as well this week.


    1. Oh, I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for commenting :)

  2. So many people got Apollyon and I haven't even read one single book by Jennifer L. Armentrout...should get to it really soon, right? Enjoy your new books:)

  3. I got Angelfall this week too - I;m curious and it is gorgeous.
