Monday 4 June 2012

Letterbox Love (#5)

This week, my boyfriend is moving stuff around the flat and effectively blocked the path to my office thus effectively blocking me from my bookshelves and my laptop.  Seriously. I've finally clambered over everything to get at my books and my laptop but it means that this week's post is late so apologies for that!  

As always, Letterbox Love is a weekly feature that I'm hosting on the blog and basically, the idea came out of a discussion with other UK book bloggers about the need to do a weekly meme with more of a British feel to it.  Therefore, Letterbox Love was born and the logo was lovingly designed by Dark Readers.  Letterbox Love is a way for us to share the books that come through our letterbox, galleys and e books (through our electronic letterbox - see what I did there?!) and any other bookish goodies that we want to tell you about.  Letterbox Love is intended to showcase upcoming books and build up some excitement for them as well as let you know what is available out there.  It is not about competing with other bloggers or boasting of any kind (c'mon, we're British and we don't do drama!)

So, without further a do, here's what I got this week...

Review Books

Hades by Alexandra Adornetto
This is another series that I have not started yet but I know I will probably love it and kick myself for waiting so long to read it!

Dreamless by Josephine Angelini
OMG I have been dying to read this book since I finished Starcrossed and I'm starting it TONIGHT.  No joke. 

Taken by Storm by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
This is of course the third book in the best selling series - a series I am behind with I'm afraid so this will have to go on the back burner.   

Shattered Dreams by Ellie James
This one is a new paranormal series and sounds interesting.  Whilst I'm not over enamored by the cover, I've heard some good reports about the book and so I'll probably give it a go.

Spy for the Queen of Scots by Theresa Breslin
When I first looked at this book, I assumed that it had been sent to me by mistake.  I had no idea that this was being marketed as a children's book as it looked like an adult, historical book to me.  I'm still not sure if I will read it or not but we'll see.


 Review Books

Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer
I can't say that I've read any books by Jodi Picoult but I definitely know her name.   Between the Lines is her first YA offering and one that was co written by her daughter.  I started this a little while ago and thought it was intriguing.  I mean, who hasn't wanted a fictional guy to be real?!

The Reckoning by Alma Katsu
I LOVED The Taker and so I'm very excited to read the sequel!  I prefer the US cover though ;)

Book Gifts 

Dreamless by Josephine Angelini
This beautiful American hardback copy of Dreamless was gifted to me by the lovely Amber Sweeney (apologies for misplacing your blog details Amber) but thank you so, so much!! 

I didn't buy any books this week but I did book my Summer holiday.  It cost a little more than I wanted to pay and so I'm not sure how many books I will be able to afford for a while!  It is my birthday next week though so we'll see what happens ;)  Leave me a comment with a link so I can check out your Letterbox Love posts and I hope you all had a good week! :)


  1. DREAMLESS! You're so lucky you got a copy, and 2 at that! I pre-ordered mine along with Rapture not knowing I'd have to wait until June 12 :( but I hope you enjoy it!
    And I loved Shattered Dreams. It was a bit confusing, but still unputdownable!
    Happy reading :D

    My STS

  2. That ARC cover of Dreamless is lovely… I hate it when the ARcs are so pretty! haha Hope you enjoy these and yay for summer hols, I booked mine last week too, going a week on monday! whoop! xx
