Friday, 1 October 2010

World's First Wonka Store Opens

Did you hear about the world's first Wonka store opening inside Toys R Us in Times Square, NYC? I just found about this and I'm giddy with excitement. I'm *hoping* to go to BEA 2011 which will of course be in NYC and alongside The Strand, I've now put the Wonka store on my "must see" list whilst I'm there. I wonder if I'll have any room in my case for chocolate. OF COURSE I WILL! There's always room for chocolate ;)


  1. I was last there in June. Ooh, it looks so delicious! I'm still kicking myself for not picking up all the different flavours of Nerds I meant to while I was there. *drools*

  2. That is the most amazing thing ever!!! I want to go to NYC just for that lol

  3. I need to put it in my must see list, too.

  4. Wow. That would be my number one reason to visit NYC again!

  5. That looks awesome, I must go there.

  6. BEA, The Strand and now this? Being incredibly sweet-toothed (and yep, greedy) I'm smitten with the idea of a Wonka store. Thanks for the heads up!

  7. Keri - WOW you've seen it?

    Everyone else - HELL YES, put it on your list of must see's if you go to NYC. It's definitely on mine ;)
